Well, it finally happened to me.  I had my email address “hacked” and an email was sent to those on my contact list.  The email said that I would like to ask for a favor from them and it was sent from my email address.  It looked totally legitimate to most folks.  However, one of my friends knew it wasn’t from me because he said it sounded too polite!  Fortunately, most people are a bit suspicious about these types of email these days.  I got a lot of phone calls and texts from friends letting me know of the problem.  I have since taken steps to ensure that it does not repeat.  Please be cautious out there in the cyberworld.

Now, the good news.  We are officially returning all of our facilities to their pre-COVID states…meaning no capacity restrictions, food/sports allowed in the gym, etc.  We will still ask that you wear a mask when indoors, however.  So, beginning Sunday Sept. 11, we will once again have our 9:30 Sunday morning Dharma School service as well as the 10:10 Adult Service followed by Dharma School.  Japanese Language School will begin in-person on Saturday Sept. 10.  It is certainly exciting to think that after this long 2 year absence, we will all once again be able to meet.  

We will also hold our annual “Organization Day” on that first day of Dharma School, Sept. 11.  As this is the grand re-opening of our facilities and organizations, it is a perfect opportunity to see what types of clubs and activities that the Betsuin offers.  Additionally, we will have a booth describing our plans for a new Education Building!  There will be some renderings (drawings) of both the outside and inside of the building to give you an opportunity to see our vision.  We will have a couple of members of the Phase II committee there to answer any questions.  Along with the upgraded gym/annex, this new building will provide the Sangha with very modern facilities to carry us well into the future!  So come visit us in the gym!

In Gassho,