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Minato Restaurant, Jan. 10, 11, & 12, 2023
Take time off from cooking and join us!!!
Lunch (11:15 – 1:15), Dinner (5:00 – 8:00) Take-out is preferred.
Please phone ahead (even a week in advance) or email, minatorestaurant@gmail.com, please make sure that your email request gets an email reply back that your order has been received.

617 N. Sixth Street, San Jose, CA 95112 408-998-9711
minatojapaneserestaurant.com (for posted menu options)

Thank you very much to Minato Restaurant for giving a portion of their profits to BWA!!!

Just let the Minato Staff know that you want to support the
Buddhist Women’s Assoc. (BWA) and enjoy your delicious meal!!!

Domo Arigato!!! Itadakimasu!!!

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