As our Sangha and the community continue to grow and change, the Betsuin must plan for these needs as well as for those of our future generations. The construction of the new Dharma Center is essential to the Betsuin and the evolving needs of the community. This project is the culmination of 10 years of planning. Guiding this process was an assessment of where we began, who we are today and what improvements are needed for a strong tomorrow, while aligning our vision with our core Buddhist values. The new Dharma Center addresses the needs of our Betsuin as well as our broader community.
Latest “Dharma” Articles
Happy New Year
Greetings and Happy New Year! Lots of changes are taking place. Buddhism reminds us that everything is changing. Sometimes it can feel
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year everyone! Akimashite omedetou gozaimasu. I’m baaaaaaack! Surprise, I’m back for another shot at this President thing. And you
Three Poisons
Greed, anger, foolishness these are the three poisons. The Three Poisons keep us cycling through Samsara, constantly causing us to bring difficulties